Friday, 7 May 2010

Images from Dancer and The Devil at BAC.

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome all you wanderers of the dark wood
Whether you are the hunter
or the hunted
The lost
or the hoping not to be found
your secrets are safe with me
my lips are sealed.

Come warm yourself by our fire
pass through these doors
and let entertainment
refresh your sight
Taste the wild fruit
and let hot blood
pump through your heart.

Not all is as it seems when the suns gone down
the path you were following may suddenly
It is not the destination that counts but the getting lost along the way...
And now two girls who lost their souls a long time ago
sold them probably
for a chocolate fondant or an arctic roll
Cheeky and Tiny

Presenting...Mr Julian Gaskell and Emily Dobson as Celeste
Porl Cooper as Slav, Mylie McCartney as Cheeky, Becky Bordeuax as Tiny, Angelina Boscarelli as Lady Laverna and Ollie Oakenshield as Jacob.
Thanks to all who supported this scratch performance.
Looking forward to working with Prema Arts Centre and The Lowry to develop the show.

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